
Streamlining Your Template Structures When Building Themes

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Last week I was honoured to speak at the WordPress Brisbane meetup about rethinking our approach to the template hierarchy when building themes. I pitched this presentation for WordCamp Brisbane but unfortunately it didn’t get accepted. As I’d already prepared much of the talk, it made sense to make use of all the preparation I’d already done.

In this talk I presented:

  • An overview of the theme template hierarchy.
  • An in-depth look into WordPress actions, filters and template parts.
  • How to apply this information to building themes that will lead to writing DRYer and more flexible code.

Despite being too technical for a few of the attendees, it seemed to be fairly well received.

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The slides are available to download on SlideShare and Speaker Deck.


I’d really like to thank everyone who came along, it was quite a technical talk but the feedback I got was really positive even from the less technically minded attendees.

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