Hogs Breath Cafe
During my time at Eightball Media, I was in charge of maintaining the Hogs Breath Cafe website following a redesign and rebrand. The site’s ranking had begun to slide following the redesign and I was tasked with investigating and remedying the situation. Monitoring the site’s search console, analytics and SERP rankings, I audited and optimised the site’s information architecture, fixed broken links and redirects, optimised a large portion of redundant CSS and introduced a number of custom post types and taxonomies to optimise the management of the site content, particularly the restaurant menu. As a result we saw a much faster site and significant gains in search engine rankings.
Cameron was instrumental to the report I was able to deliver to Hogs Breath in an effort to retain them as a client. Without him actively working on this account between his other duties I would not have been able to justify our monthly commitment.
Mike Darcy